Tuesday, August 29, 2006

New Template

Well, I've been hunched over the computer labelling posts with the new blogger labelling thing. Because I like to categorize. But it's not as organized as I would've liked. Ah well.

What do you think of the new template? A little too pink? More pleasing to the eye? Go back to the simpler one? Comments, if you will. Or not.

Pet Names

(Ignore the silliness; just playing with the beta features. Or, add your own pet names in the comments! Fun!)

Honey, Sweetheart, Pumpkin tootsiepie
Snookums, Shnookums, Shmoopiedoo
Cuddily Dumpling; Snuggily Bunny
Ginger Bucket
Sugar Bucket
Ginger Fish
Gibbledewidget and Wibbledegibbet;
alternatively, jibbledwidget and wibbledejibbet

Friday, August 25, 2006

Hodge Podge

I'm mid-way through the 3-week break between my last summer course (my first teaching practicum, and a rather intensive one at that), and the fall semester. I think I've been balancing productivity and relaxation pretty well.

Thoroughly enjoyed my first reading at KGB, sent out another few stories (plan to send a fourth next week), finally organized my files in this great old cabinet my father gave me (metal, clangs), set up an RSS feed for 55 words (ok, so that took one, maybe two minutes).

Also seem to be getting a satisfying amount of sitting-and-reading time (short stories, The Sun is My Enemy, Lake Wobegon Days), and miscellaneous research. Yesterday I flipped through the old Britannica volumes we found in the basement, from 1981. Read about Romance Languages and Romania. I enjoyed the adjectives used to describe Ceaucescu's foreign policies: brave, bold, courageous. Mm. Today was less musty, more internet-y. Andy Warhol, Basquiat, funerary art. Ah, vacation!

I'm off to Boston for the weekend. I don't plan on doing much. Sitting. Watching. Taking in the smog of another city.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A Love Like Damien's

My friend Andre Lancaster is making his directorial debut this September with A Love Like Damien's at the WOW Cafe Theater in the Village. I saw a staged reading of the play (by Andrea Davis) this past spring; it was quite strong on the bare stage, so I'm looking forward to the full production.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Less demonic

Originally uploaded by burningsnail.
Here's another photo from Thursday's reading.


Originally uploaded by burningsnail.
Here's a photo from my reading on Thursday. I look a little demonic, but I guess that's me getting *really* into character.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Sunflowers and Black Russians

Good afternoon!

Last night was joyfulicious. My first reading, really (if you don't count "coffee house night" in my dorm, freshman year of college, dressed in black reading poetry I'd written in high school...heh).

I went last, after Matt Cav and Professor Arturo, both wonderful readers and writers, both so different from each other and from me (hooray for variety!).

The podium successfully hid my shaking legs, which stopped trembling somewhere around page 5 of 9. I really enjoyed performing. It's one thing to sit alone and write (also, a joy; also, torture-- but we love pain, don't we?). It's another to get to share your work with a responsive crowd and really get into the voices of your characters as you've envisioned them, get into the rhythm and intonation, take the appropriate pauses, make eye contact with and funny faces at perfect strangers.

I'm looking forward to reading again. I've created a mailing list for future readings and publications. If you'd like to join, just enter your email address in the sidebar. I promise not to flood your mailbox.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


I'm reading a short story at KGB tonight--it's called "Skitter" and its going to appear in The Massachusetts Review

Also performing are Matt Cav, Kidd Lambert, and Professor Arturo. 

In case you've never met me, I'll be the blonde woman gripping the podium, 
trying not to fall over and praying my voice doesn't squeak. 

I'll also be sweating profusely. 

Friday, August 11, 2006


In case you're having trouble getting your hands on the current issue of Antigonish Review, selections including my own story are now up on their website. If you like what you see you should still support them though.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Mark your calendars!

I'll be reading one of my short stories at the venerable KGB Bar, Thursday, August 17 (that's a week from tomorrow!). The reading is from 7-9 pm.

Hope to see you there!